TEMPLE RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS. ==============================.

08 Nov 2022, 22:34
TEMPLE RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (if you are not an LP in the Temple gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their Temple LP) 1) Call stakerToggleMigrator(0xB12C76b92936d136Fd8264F6EFcBb06458338D97) on the Temple Frax FARM. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 80% of your LP. 20% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING =================================================== Use Etherscan The Temple LP router is at 0x8A5058100E60e8F7C42305eb505B12785bbA3BcA The LP token contract is at 0x6021444f1706f15465bee85463bcc7d7cc17fc03 Using E18 math for everything... 1) Approve your LP from the token contract to the router 2) Go to removeLiquidity liquidity: Amount of LP tokens you have amountAMin: amount of TEMPLE tokens you expect to get out, should be about half the USD value of your LP since Temple is like 97 cents. Put like 2-3% less than this as a buffer / slippage amountBMin: same as amountAMin, except for FRAX to: where you want the unwrapped tokens to go deadline: A unix timestamp in the future. You can put 1699669513 as one year from now. Doesn't really matter since after you exec, it is done