StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS. ==============================.

04 May 2023, 01:00
StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (If you are not an LP in the StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0x7Cb3DA98Fe0d8C59f460AfC0C8e6EC5eF1E0f63b) on the StakingRewardsMultiGauge_StakeDAO_FRAX_Put Farm. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0x7Cb address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 90% of your LP. 10% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================