Ok, so you actually CAN add LP to Temple/FRAX, but SWAPs are what were disabled for plebs.

27 Feb 2022, 16:58
Ok, so you actually CAN add LP to Temple/FRAX, but SWAPs are what were disabled for plebs. Temple said they will build the UI for adding the LP. In the meantime, if you want to generate LP for the farm manually, do the following 1) Go to FRAX/TEMPLE TempleUniswapV2Pair @ and see what the current ratio of TEMPLE to FRAX is with the token balances 2) Approve FRAX @ 0x853d955aCEf822Db058eb8505911ED77F175b99e for TempleFraxAMMRouter @ 0x8A5058100E60e8F7C42305eb505B12785bbA3BcA 3) Approve TEMPLE @ 0x470EBf5f030Ed85Fc1ed4C2d36B9DD02e77CF1b7 for TempleFraxAMMRouter @ 0x8A5058100E60e8F7C42305eb505B12785bbA3BcA 4) Do addLiquidity with that current ratio with TempleFraxAMMRouter @ 0x8A5058100E60e8F7C42305eb505B12785bbA3BcA. Token A (or 0) is TEMPLE, token B (or 1) is FRAX. Parameter description here 5) Go farm here with the new LP